First of all, I just want to apologize for my bad and rude english, but normally I will improve it all long weeks...
For the strangers, I just resume : one of my latest post which talked about the 2011 resolution for the blog "Les Petits Accessoires" and one of them is to write one post in English all fifty days.
Here's the first and the subject is the sales in France.
Next wednesday, this is the beginning of sales in France and it means the rush into the shops...
But to maximise your shopping, there is some rules to follow.
- Try to be with your best friend : Choose somebody who know you very well. She will avoid you to buy the trouser you already had in 5 copy.
- Search, search and search : all product put in front are the bigger stock and they are also the unsold. So, we can thing that the better items are not just front of your eyes.
- Buy the basics for not regret you purchase.
- Secure your purchase and check if changes are possible
- Go to the shop to choose and locate the better products before the beginning of sales.
- Don't take your credit card just cash to avoid to spend 125000$
- Be sure of your purchase. If you are not able to wear it now you 'll never wear it.
So, enjoy sales !
You can connect you on There is 50% less or more.
Thank you for reading and my new mantra will Ridiculous doesn't kill !
This post was inspired by Glamour.
This post was inspired by Glamour.
Salut miss,
RépondreSupprimerTous les 15 jours ou bien fifty days ?
M'enfin j'dis ça, j'dis rien...
Bon, ben c'est tous les 15 jours, mais l'objectif est également d'améliorer mon anglais.
RépondreSupprimerAlors si vous souhaitez me corriger ... Sans problème mon Ricou.